The Power of Collaboration

It’s the fifth annual Bristol Festival of Literature from 15th to 24th October 2015, and this year we’ve done things a bit differently. We bought the community together and established an organising committee. We collaborated. By sharing the responsibility, by Continue reading The Power of Collaboration

Imagination in the Archives – A Guest Post

It gives me great pleasure to share another guest post with you this week: Lucienne Boyce is a historical novelist and historian based in Bristol, which is the inspiration and setting for much of her writing. She has published three Continue reading Imagination in the Archives – A Guest Post

How Authors Can Re-purpose their Podcast Interviews – A Guest Post

This week, it give me great pleasure to share with you a guest post by the wonderful and inspiring Viv Oyolu. Viv is an audio marketing expert, and has interviewed me twice now. I love her easy conversational style. Here Continue reading How Authors Can Re-purpose their Podcast Interviews – A Guest Post

30 Days to First Draft

Why wait for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)? There’s no rule that says the only time you can try to write a novel in a month must be November. I knew that August would be a fairly quiet month for Continue reading 30 Days to First Draft

The Dos and Don’ts of Social Content

Social Media has evolved from a way to chat on line to an integral part of the marketing and communications process for businesses. A common issue that my clients raise with me is not so much; why and how Social Continue reading The Dos and Don’ts of Social Content

Team Work is Dream Work

It gives me great pleasure to share another guest post with you this week. Crime fiction writer, Helen, alias; AA Abbott. Her post really resonates with me and I hope it inspires you too. As a business coach and an Continue reading Team Work is Dream Work

Help Bring Literature to Life in Bristol

From October 15th to 24th 2015 is the fifth Bristol Festival of Literature. This year I’m on the organising committee. This citywide community festival is run entirety by volunteers and we receive no funding for it, but putting on an Continue reading Help Bring Literature to Life in Bristol

No excuses… just write!

I have always had a side business while working and only now am I fully self employed and dependent on my own entrepreneurship to make a living. It’s both a scary and exciting time. In the space of a few Continue reading No excuses… just write!

3 Tough Crowdfunding Lessons

I’m proud to host another guest post this week from a friend of mine and fellow organiser of Bristol Festival of Literature, Richard Jones. Richard  is one of the founders of the radical independent publisher Tangent Books, in Bristol. He’s Continue reading 3 Tough Crowdfunding Lessons

Blogging for Beginners: 10 Top Tips

  Blogging is one of the simplest and immediate ways to demonstrate your style, expertise and share knowledge. Bloggers never run out of things to say on Social Media. There are different ways you can venture into the world of Continue reading Blogging for Beginners: 10 Top Tips