Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

Why you don't need to worry about unsubscribes after GDPR

Do you worry when you get unsubscribes from your newsletter? On 25th May 2018, new legislation comes into force ensuring that businesses behave responsibly with people’s data. One aspect of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) regs switches the emphasis Continue reading Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

Fresh Productivity Tips – A Guest Blog

Productivity tips for business

I’m always open to hosting other writers on this blog. My submission guidelines are simple: Read about what makes a good pitch HERE. I ask $40/£30 (Via PayPal) for a ‘DoFollow’ link and to cover the cost of my time. Continue reading Fresh Productivity Tips – A Guest Blog

Why Online Workshops?

Why and how to create online workshops

You never really just write a blog once. As soon as your words are online and in the public domain you can use them to grow your business. I’ve written previously about how to repurpose and recycle your blog content, Continue reading Why Online Workshops?

What’s Your Learning Style?

What's your learning style?

We all experience the world in different ways, learning as we go. Are you a hugger? Or shy away from physical contact? Do you read books? Or haven’t you read a book since school? Is your perfect relaxation watching a Continue reading What’s Your Learning Style?

How Controversial Should My Blogs Be?

Very few of us set out to deliberately upset others. When we do so unintentionally it can be mortifying. But what about being deliberately contrary or controversial? Where are the limits?   Find Your Limit Telling someone where to establish Continue reading How Controversial Should My Blogs Be?

What’s the Difference Between a Niche and a USP?

What's the difference between niche and USP

If you’ve ever been on any enterprise training there are two things you’ve probably been asked…. What is your USP? and What niche are you in? So, what’s the difference and why should you care? USP USP = ‘Unquie Selling Continue reading What’s the Difference Between a Niche and a USP?

The Story of One Entrepreneur Learning to Love Her Words

Story of My Body Positive Case Study

I meet some wonderfully inspiring entrepreneurs in my line of work, I’d like to share the story of one such woman in business. Lisa Beasley is just the kind of entrepreneur I love working with. Her business, My Body Positive, Continue reading The Story of One Entrepreneur Learning to Love Her Words

Why It’s Important To Write Original Content

Why write original content

I get several pitches a week from people wanting to write for my blog, and I’m always happy to consider original posts. But when Richard Smith contributed this article I resonated with it immediately.   I run workshops for a Continue reading Why It’s Important To Write Original Content

If I’m On Social Media, Do I Really Need a Website?

Tourist on Social Media

I recently gave a talk to The Society of Authors in Bristol on ‘Blogging for writers’. I recommended hosting a blog on your website, busted five myths about blogging and had a Q&A session. One of the participants asked me, Continue reading If I’m On Social Media, Do I Really Need a Website?

What’s the Difference Between a Coach and a Mentor?

I posed a question to myself at the start of the year, “Am I really a coach, or more like a mentor?” When I work with start ups for Brave Enterprise Agency, I’m described as a mentor. Someone who’s been Continue reading What’s the Difference Between a Coach and a Mentor?