Massive List of Reasons to Blog For Your Business

Massive List of Reasons to Blog for your business

I responded to a Facebook comment recently; an entrepreneur I know asked what the benefits of blogging were. After a small, exasperated, internal scream – I started this post… Writing about something is my go-to response! There are so many Continue reading Massive List of Reasons to Blog For Your Business

How Niche Is Too Niche? Part Two: How and When to Define Your Niche

How niche is too niche for your business

Do you have a niche in your business? Should you have? This is part two of a two-part blog. In part one I shared 3 big compelling reasons to care about having a niche. Before you write anything, you need Continue reading How Niche Is Too Niche? Part Two: How and When to Define Your Niche

How Niche Is Too Niche? Part One: Why Should You Care?

All the advice tells us we should niche our business. But what does that actually mean? I have a lot to say on this topic, and so I don’t overwhlem you, I’m splitting it into two blogs. This is part Continue reading How Niche Is Too Niche? Part One: Why Should You Care?

How Blogging Leads to Continuous Professional Development

Blogging for professional development value yourself

Working for yourself is a continuous learning journey, we learn and pick up new skills, throughout the life of our businesses, often without even realising it.   Are you actively investing in your own continuous professional development? In the workplace, Continue reading How Blogging Leads to Continuous Professional Development

The AIDA Blog Structure

AIDA Blog Structure

Like it or not, we are creatures of habit and routine. To varying degrees, we want structure and order in our lives to thrive. When you run your own business, orderly systems and processes will keep you on track, allow Continue reading The AIDA Blog Structure

Blog With Style

Communicate in style with your blog

  Does your blog have a recognisable style? Does it fit with the authentic message of your business? One of the greatest compliments I received recently was meeting someone at a networking event. She came up to me, gave me Continue reading Blog With Style

The Single Best Tip for Blogging

Single best tip to grow your blog

I started my first blog in 2013 as a vehicle to get my first novel off the ground. Since then, I’ve build a business around helping entreprenerus to discover the power in their own words, my top tip to grow Continue reading The Single Best Tip for Blogging

4 Steps to Start a Healthy Writing Habit

Develop healthy writing habits to start blogging

via GIPHY Writing is hard… Is it? Anything is hard if you’re not used to it. Getting used to something is all about making it into a habit. We all have 24 hours in a day and it’s up to Continue reading 4 Steps to Start a Healthy Writing Habit

Waiting To Land Your First Paid Gig – A Guest Post

Waiting for your first paid writing assignment

As I pass the milestone of my third year in business this month, this guest post is a timely reminder of the early days of trying to get paid from your business. In the past three years, I’ve learned it Continue reading Waiting To Land Your First Paid Gig – A Guest Post

Embrace The Story Instinct

Embrace your story instincts and write better blogs

Story Time… Walking along my local high street, I was held up behind a woman, holding the hand of a little girl. A girl of perhaps 3 or 4 (it was a school day, so I’m assuming she was pre-school Continue reading Embrace The Story Instinct