How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference

If you want to write and publish a book, here are my two pro tips to help you get there… Continue reading How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference
Practical Sustainable Enterprise Support
If you want to write and publish a book, here are my two pro tips to help you get there… Continue reading How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference
I responded to a comment on a fellow writer friend’s Facebook post a while back in which someone said, “You’d have to be desperate to self publish with Amazon“. I couldn’t resist the urge to challenge them on their assumptions Continue reading Why I Wanted to Self Publish (& You Could Too)
I first started blogging in 2013. Since then, it has been the foundation on which to build my business. Build A Blog, Build a Business I still keep that blog, it became my Amy C Fitzjohn author blog. But blogging Continue reading How I Became Amy Queen of Blogs – Build A Blog
As a writer, the single most enjoyable element of my marketing is blogging. Blogging is at the heart of the story of my business. I first started blogging back in 2013 when I did a 365-day project ‘Operation Author: 365 Continue reading How I Make Blogging Pay (without promoting other brands)
I woke up this morning, lay in bed a for a few minutes just visualising and reflecting on my day, and a question popped into my head – one I realised I’m not asking myself enough: What will you do Continue reading One Question Businesses Must Keep Asking Themselves
I started blogging in 2013. What started as a way to share ideas, evolved from a bit of fun on Blogger to an integral part of my marketing strategy to build my consultancy business. Although, I admit, I’m Continue reading Rock Your Writing with a Blog
Redirected from LinkedIn: Download the The Story Of Your Business Questionnaire (This post will take approx. 5 minutes to read) If you’ve ever been to any business workshops or events the chances are that at some point someone has Continue reading USP is so Passé, What’s Your SSP?
Working for yourself is a journey rather than a destination, however, we often reach way points on that journey. I’ve just reached a turning point in my business, and the culmination of a journey that started for me back in Continue reading Business is a Journey not a Destination
I first met Maggie when I returned to Bristol from Bulgaria a few years back, she was one of the first friends I made (outside of work). When we met, she was writing, and running a dog walking business, but Continue reading Self Publishing Success Story – An Interview with Maggie James
Every time you write a piece of content you’re creating something new, something with the potential to use over and over again. I recently told a client I was lazy. He gave me a crooked look and said; “Way to Continue reading 16 Great Ways to Re-purpose Content