What To Know Before You Start Writing A Book

write your book

It’s been a while since I had a book project on the go, but I know the impact writing your first book can have. This contributor shares some top tips before you start your book.   Image Credit: Pexels from Continue reading What To Know Before You Start Writing A Book

The Right To Work From Home: Good or Bad?

The right to home working

I happened upon an article in my MSN newsfeed… I like the fact that it’s not immediately obvious of the source of articles on MSN. It strips away our inbuilt prejudices to particular publications. As I read this article, my Continue reading The Right To Work From Home: Good or Bad?

Productivity Quick Tips

  Procrastination is just a step on the path to productivity. I’m a terrible procrastinator. Productivity never comes as readily as I’d like!   Mindless scrolling through Social Media and reading blogs is my procrastination enabler – although I’m much Continue reading Productivity Quick Tips

An Open Letter of Resignation. Dear Facebook… I Quit!

Dear Facebook We’ve been working together for a number of years now, but it is time for us to part ways. It’s you, not me… We can still be friends. Outside of work I’ll still hang out, it’s where so Continue reading An Open Letter of Resignation. Dear Facebook… I Quit!

A Vision For Freedom

a vision for freedom

  Travel. Freedom. Exploring. Adventure. Escaping. What’s not to love? When I worked as a startup trainer for an enterprise agency a few years back – while I was being trained in their teaching materials – I have a vivid Continue reading A Vision For Freedom

Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Online Brand

Build your online brand

Improving your online brand is more important now than ever, when bricks and mortar shops are struggling and offline marketing is restricted by the pandemic. This contributor suggests some ideas to inspire your marketing and build your online brand.   Continue reading Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Online Brand

COVID-19: Is Your Business Prepared for a Post-Pandemic World?

As the end of 2020 approaches we are starting to think about what comes next. This article by a contributor offers some suggestions to help you and your business move forward.   Preparing Your Business Following the restrictions placed by Continue reading COVID-19: Is Your Business Prepared for a Post-Pandemic World?

We’ve Already Invented A Time Machine

write your book

  I’m a sci-fi fan. And a Trekkie. One of the most memorably brilliant books I’ve read in a long time is ‘Time and Time Again’ by Ben Elton. It’s about time travel. Travelling back and righting a wrong in Continue reading We’ve Already Invented A Time Machine

Essentialism: Inspiration and A Book Review

Book review and tips on essentialism

  Remember Marie Condo? Her decluttering methodology was so 2019.Her approach to clearing out your wardrobe was to only keep the clothes that ‘spark joy’, then thank the rest of your clothes before putting them in the charity bag. I Continue reading Essentialism: Inspiration and A Book Review

Simple Ways to Make Your Business Look More Professional

Market stall. Create a professional impression with your business

Professional first impressions count. You need to look and behave professionally to have a successful business. Back in the spring, I needed a roofer to fix a leak. As so many of us do, I took to Facebook and asked Continue reading Simple Ways to Make Your Business Look More Professional