3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day

Team work makes the dream work! A happy and confident team is a productive one. These tips are from a contributor – 3 ways to get the best from the people around you.   3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Continue reading 3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day

Embrace and Enjoy Your Averageness

embrace being average

We all like to feel special, it’s human nature, we are physiologically programmed to crave that dopamine hit. We’d all like to be remembered long after our time on Earth is up. But the fact is, most of us won’t Continue reading Embrace and Enjoy Your Averageness

Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

Calling out the plastic polluters

Every month, I collect the stories that fascinate, inspire, educate and are generally worth keeping for reference on a Flipboard monthly magazine. I try to keep it positive, but sometimes, some stories stand out. I found this article on Reuters Continue reading Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

When It Pays to Use Traditional Advertising Methods

welcome to the shop

It’s easy to get distracted and spend all your advertising budget and energy on digital marketing – but sometimes, that’s not the best place to be seen by your ideal customers. Good marketing is a planned, strategic and a blend Continue reading When It Pays to Use Traditional Advertising Methods

4 Focus Areas To Modernise Your Business

In our ever-changing world, where things can shift so quickly, it’s easy for a business to become tired and outdated. We’ve seen numerous well-known High Street retailers fail in the past year because they sat on their laurels and refused Continue reading 4 Focus Areas To Modernise Your Business

A Rant About Single-Use Plastic – Who Will Take A Stand And Make The Difference?

Retailers - a-rant-about-single-use-plastic

I’m fuming with Asda. In fact, I’m livid with all our major UK grocery retailers. I went into Asda last week for the first time in months. Since lockdown, our shopping habits have completely changed. We’ve managed to successfully avoid Continue reading A Rant About Single-Use Plastic – Who Will Take A Stand And Make The Difference?

Being A Little Bit Activist

being a little bit activist - protest

I want to be more activist when it comes to green business, sustainability, and the environment.  As I’m still not reading any fiction at the moment, most of my recent book choices are along those lines. More of my thinking, planning, Continue reading Being A Little Bit Activist

The Right To Work From Home: Good or Bad?

The right to home working

I happened upon an article in my MSN newsfeed… I like the fact that it’s not immediately obvious of the source of articles on MSN. It strips away our inbuilt prejudices to particular publications. As I read this article, my Continue reading The Right To Work From Home: Good or Bad?

An Open Letter of Resignation. Dear Facebook… I Quit!

Dear Facebook We’ve been working together for a number of years now, but it is time for us to part ways. It’s you, not me… We can still be friends. Outside of work I’ll still hang out, it’s where so Continue reading An Open Letter of Resignation. Dear Facebook… I Quit!

What’s The Point of a Vision Board?

Creating a vision board

Here in the UK, we have started 2021 in yet another lockdown. via GIPHY I’m so over lockdowns, it’s getting boring now…   Apparently, having learned nothing from the last two lockdowns, some bright spark thought we should give it Continue reading What’s The Point of a Vision Board?