How I Became Amy Queen of Blogs – Build A Blog

How I became Amy Queen Of Blogs Build a Blog

I first started blogging in 2013. Since then, it has been the foundation on which to build my business. Build A Blog, Build a Business I still keep that blog, it became my Amy C Fitzjohn author blog. But blogging Continue reading How I Became Amy Queen of Blogs – Build A Blog

5 Ways to Boost Your Digital Marketing

I had a request from a serviced office business in Bangkok this week to be featured as a guest blogger on digital marketing. Intrigued, I agreed to showcase her tips. Sarah Marshall works with Antares, who host small businesses in Continue reading 5 Ways to Boost Your Digital Marketing

Who’s the Sidekick in the Story of Your Business?

Sidekick business story

Who’s the sidekick in the story of your business? So, you’ve done a piece of work for a client and you need to get the money out of them. A professional looking invoice and professional payment system reassures your client Continue reading Who’s the Sidekick in the Story of Your Business?

Inspiration in the Unfamiliar : Top Tips for a Business Retreat Day

Could a retreat rejuvenate your business? Inspiration is easier to find in the unfamiliar. When we see and do the same things every day, in the same place, before long we’re living our lives on a conveyor belt. Stagnant, swaddled, Continue reading Inspiration in the Unfamiliar : Top Tips for a Business Retreat Day

All Inclusive Web Design

All Inclusive Web design

This contributed content on inclusive web design is very timely for me. As I build the next phase of my business online, my website will need a level up to host the online workshops I’m developing. Initially, I’ll be hosting Continue reading All Inclusive Web Design

Web-Building Blunders, And How To Avoid Them

This contributed content builds on my recent post about getting noticed by Google. Great SEO starts with a great website.   These days, websites are a non-negotiable platform that all businesses need, and with the huge amount of competition out Continue reading Web-Building Blunders, And How To Avoid Them

Get Discovered By Google (SEO Made Easy)

Tips to optimize Google My Business

The Google bot has eyes everywhere, and it eats ‘SEO’*! An all seeing, all knowing, power-bot that scurries around over 3 billion times every day! But with so much content being produced every second, how do you get noticed by Continue reading Get Discovered By Google (SEO Made Easy)

So Much To Do, So Little Time: Getting Organised

so much to do so little time elf in business

When you work for yourself, one of the toughest challenges is staying organised. There’s no boss breathing down your neck, giving you ‘that look’ and no job description setting out your responsibilities. You must be disciplined to get things done. Continue reading So Much To Do, So Little Time: Getting Organised

Business for Authors – A Book Review

Most entrepreneurs I know have shelves and shelves of business, self-help and motivational books. Speak to any of us for long enough and we’ll share with you the books we recommend; books to inspire, books to motivate and we’ll even Continue reading Business for Authors – A Book Review

Something to Declare?

It’s time to declare your intentions… When you get off a flight into the UK, between passport control and the exit you are faced with three possible exits: The Green Door The Blue Door (I wonder what colour they’ll paint Continue reading Something to Declare?